My hiatus was not self imposed... they seldom are! A flood of work and a flood of rains are to be blamed... I have been telecommuting since the last 2 days and been lounging around in my sweats the whole day.... so as you can see, no OOTD post opportunity. What I wore to work the rest of the week was not pic worthy... i know... **sniff sniff**
There is so much to write about, the last week was action packed... a lot happening in my life right now and I am not sure about some of the changes.... they may be for the best, but I am confused... more so because everyone around me has an opinion and I don't.... I don't want to do any thing right now, as there is a danger of disturbing the balance and peace in my life... if the last few lines did not make sense, fear not... this rant was to just get some of the negativity out of my system.
The weather is GLORIOUS today.... too much to be cooped up indoors... I so badly wanna go out and take a nice long walk.... sigh! Maybe I'll do it on my own if hubs does not want to accompany...
Am also itching for a haircut... real bad.... my stylist left the saloon she was with and joined a training academy. The new stylist at the saloon made a major mess of my hair :( and they hiked the prices, nearly one and a half times. It was an expensive place to begin with and with the new hike, its way too unreasonable. So bu-bye to them. But I have to find a new saloon. Last week, I found a decent one and fixed up an appointment. It was a weekday. I wanted the cut so bad that I told my boss I was going for it and left early... Can you imagine my shock when I reach there and realise I am out of cash and no debit card... :( I only had my credit card and the saloon didn't have a credit card machine!!! Can you believe that? It was apparently a new place and the machine was yet to be installed... and am back to the hunt now...
This time, i want something different... I ma thinking shoulder length cut and bangs to go with it... I would love to get highlights, but being the lazy bum I am, I would not be able to maintain them. Not to mention the hard, chlorine filled water in our area that damages the texture. So no highlights, just a straight, trendy cut...
Ever since I started reading fashion blogs, I have become extremely conscious of what I wear and what risks to take. There are a few new pieces waiting in my wardrobe. And I solemnly swear to wear them once the rain is over and I am back to normal life.... In the meantime, my blog will have meaningless rants only... sigh!